Sunday, July 6, 2008

Your Catholic Sunday Homily Minute - Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

From the Desk of Father Mark, Your Catholic Sunday Homily Minute - Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

My Dear People,

Poor Religious Formation Means A Poor Faith?

To know the difference between a childish faith, and a childlike faith, takes great discernment. Matthews's Gospel today, compels us to be childlike and innocent with respect to our faith in God. Like going through grade school and high school, we mature in all the content areas taught according to our grade level. If you are in eighth grade, you should be reading at an eighth grade reading level according to the national average. The same holds true for math, science and social studies. We progress in intellectual knowledge, as we grow older.

The same is not always true when it comes to our Catholic Faith. Many people cease growing in Faith and Spiritual Knowledge, whenever they ceased attending religious formation classes. This means that for some Catholics, their faith stopped growing when their Catholic formation stopped. While we may have gained great worldly knowledge in our secular education, we may still be in grade school in our religious formation. How can this be? Does a poor religious formation set the stage for a poor Faith? You do the math. Have you taken the path to lead to a deeper faith by studying your Faith? Where is the road of your faith leading you? Please take time to pray and grow in your Catholic Faith.

May we learn to see good stewardship as God's light yoke that promises rich rewards and great JOY.

Entrusting you to the care of Our Lady,

Fr. Mark

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